Introducing the
At The Eagles Golf Club
Unlimited Instruction, meet Unlimited Golf. Play golf as much as you want during specified hours for 1 low monthly fee.

What's Included
- Unlimited Golf with a cart after 3:30pm November 6th - March 12th (before daylight savings)
- Unlimited Golf with a cart after 5pm March 13th - November 5th (end of daylight savings)
Play more golf, save more money
At just $79/month, the FunGolf Twilight card is one of the best ways to save on golf at The Eagles. You'll get free UNLIMTED play on either the Forest or the Lakes Course during twilight cardholder hours*
*See above for specific hours of availability

Only the first 20 people to upgrade to the Twilight Card will be guaranteed the same rate for as long as the program is in place!
What's Excluded with this offer?
- Golf outside these hours is not included in the FunGolf Twilight Card, you may use the FunGolf Member Discount of 20% discount to play golf outside the specified hours.
- Range balls are not included.
What is required to qualify for the Twilight Card and special rates?
- You must be a current member of FunGolf.Club to be eligible for this card.
- If you cancel your FunGolf.Club membership you are not eligible to use the card any longer.
- You must make a tee time by calling 813 920-6681 or visiting The Eagles Golf Shop. If you make an online tee time you will NOT be eligible to use your Twilight Card.
- You must check in at the Golf Shop before you play
- The Twilight Card only covers the paying FunGolf.Club member, not visitors.
- Non-playing riders must pay the normal cart fee rate
- This is a recurring charge every month on the same date as you sign up.
- You must submit a cancellation form on the FunGolf.Club website to cancel this subscription.
- There will be no refunds.
- This card is only available to FunGolf.Club members paying a full membership to our program.
- This card is not available to a FunGolf.Club member on a Freeze Membership.
- Must remain a FunGolf Twilight Member to retain the rate, you may not resign and rejoin at the same rate